SwissProt Protein Sequence database
National Center for Biotechnology Information
NCBI Databases
EBI Databases
Ensembl 2014
JGI Databases
GenBank Database
InterPro Scan
The UCSC Genome Browser database: 2014 update
RefSeq: an update on mammalian reference sequences
Current status and new features of the Consensus Coding Sequence database
ClinVar: Locus Reference Genomic: reference sequences for the reporting of clinically relevant sequence variants
DDBJ Datbase
UniProt: Activities at the Universal Protein Resource
KEGG: Data, information, knowledge and principle: back to metabolism in KEGG
The MetaCyc database of metabolic pathways and enzymes and the BioCyc collection of Pathway/Genome Databases
Pfam: the protein families database
SCOPe: Structural Classification of Proteins—extended, integrating SCOP and ASTRAL data and classification of new structures
SCOP2 prototype: a new approach to protein structure mining
The Catalytic Site Atlas 2.0: cataloging catalytic sites and residues identified in enzymes
Ensembl Genomes 2013: scaling up access to genome-wide data